Architecture cannot be entirely classified as art as much as it cannot be solely classed as a technological science. We choose whether to engage with art and technology and as result it is something we can disregard. However when considerations of art or technology predominate within an architectural design society cannot disengage from them because buildings form the an integral part in the practical framework of society and therefore cannot be ignored in the same way we might ignore Tracy Emin's latest avante garde artistic offering.
Therefore it can be argued with some conviction that building, certainly those preoccupied with the concept of human habitation, should, in the first instance, be primarily concerned with providing the most comfortable and practicable accommodation possible for the human body: a position elucidated by the pragmatic philosopher Foucault during the 20th Century and more recently by the pragmatist Richard Shusterman. 01
01. M Shusterman: ‘Somaesthetics and the care of the self – The case of Foucault.’ – Published 2000, the Monist Vol 83 No 4 Pages 530-551.